Mobile 0448 477 149
Dent Rid service five main customer groups -
Panel Beaters
Fleet operators
Auto Dealerships
Service Industry
Private Owners
Panel Beaters
We assist a number of body shops across Gippsland from complete start to finish projects or 'push to paint' which prepares the panel for finishing. Where paint is required, 'push to paint' can accurately restore a panel's original shape, eliminate the need for body fillers and satisfy those wanting a more original finish.
We can give you an edge in competitive quoting, by incorporating our services where possible you'll often be able to quote more competitively with increased margin. Ask us how.
Fleet / Lease Operators
Your vehicles are often a representation of your company's image. Visible damage to your vehicles appearance can and does reflect on your image. PDR is the preferred repair method with most lease companies for suitable minor damage. We're able to work within most operators lease obligations and often save you significantly on return costs. Our flexibility also means the absolute minimum downtime for your vehicles. Packages are available and will reduce your operating costs.
A number of studies show that dents can reduce the perceived value of a car by as much as 15%. A major UK study shows that over 60% of consumers consider dents to be a primary indicator as to the condition of a vehicle. Cars that are presented well, have an advantage on any lot.
By presenting any vehicle in a way that shows it has been cared for will increase it's value, more importantly however are the 60% of consumers that will be drawn to a well prepared car. PDR, especially when compared to alternatives - pays for itself .
Service Industry
Whether you operate a repair workshop, detailing centre, windscreens repair or automotive tint, we can add to your bottom line. We are happy to work on a contract basis or like many others take advantage of our referral program. We treat your business as if it were our own, your customers satisfaction in you is our highest priority.
*** Vic roads are currently retraining roadworthy testers in the area of structural integrity. This is to be completed August 2011.*** Dents in quarter panels, pillars and roof skins are subject to distortion rules. This area currently is "grey" meaning that subject to the testers perception, dents in these areas may render a vehicle unroadworthy. If you have been affected by the current changes we may be able to offer the easiest and most economical fix.
Private Clients
We make cars look great - from a small door ding to complete car package, we leave an impressive mark. We cover all makes and models and repair a variety of damage from small 5 cent dents to large body damage. All our repairs are finished as they should be with a professional polish. Our complete car packages start from $150.00 and include minor touch up and scratch removal, they leave your car looking brilliant. If you're selling or buying a car, call us for a quote. Mobile service means you don't need to lift a finger - just the phone.