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A page about Type 1 diabetes isn't generally what you wouldexpect to find on an automotive site; so why have it? Please continue reading and hopefully you'll understand why. Unfortunately this story of my son is similar to many thousands of stories across Australia.
Five days before Adams 11th birthday he was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes. Juvenile, or Type 1 Diabetes, is an auto immune disease which typically targets children, sometimes as young as several months old. The disease causes the immune system to turn on itself attacking and destroying insulin producing cells. The disease
can target anyone, it is not an issue of health or lifestyle. While there are genetic links or family history, in many cases such as ours, there are no links. As described to us, you can literally catch it like a cold!
Since Adams diagnosis our lives have changed, not a little, but an enormous amount. This change is not for a day, a week, a month or a year, but forever. With so many illnesses, as heartbreaking as many of them are, Diabetes
is one of the most damaging and frustrating largely because there is little that can be done. Cancer can be fought, win or lose there is an ending, with Diabetes there is no ending, just the small hope of cure and a lifetime of management.
While management of Diabetes now is significantly better than 15 years ago, a typical day in the life of a diabetic is tough by any comparison. Every day Adam needs to test his blood sugar levels, this is a simple blood test he'll go through. Most of us may have our blood tested once or twice a year, if that. Adam will test his blood on average around 10 times per day. He has a needle that follows him most places; this is to prevent him from falling into a coma in the event of a hypoglycemic attack. Adam is one of the fortunate ones to have a very expensive pump attached to him at all times which feeds him insulin. Prior to this he, like most other victims, had to self administer insulin through a needle, this would generally occur four times a day. His friend's parents are given basic training and medical emergency plans just for a sleep over, he can't 'just do things' the way many other kids can. If he plays footy he needs to prepare, if he swims he needs to prepare, if he goes to a friends for the afternoon he will need to pack a medical bag.
Why all this management? A type 1 diabetics blood sugar levels have to remain as close to normal as possible, without a maintained level the body will start to collapse; blindness, organ failure, ketoacidosis, diabetic coma, death. It doesn't take long for the body to start to fail.
What Can you do? There are many researchers across the globe working very hard to find a cure; this process is slow, frustrating and extremely expensive. JDRF is an extremely intelligent non profit organisation that works tirelessly to raise and distribute funds for research. A donation to JDRF is one way you can help, if you own a web site consider incorporating a page like this one? For our part Dent Rid donate a minimum of $5.00 from every repair directly to JDRF. It does add up. If you ever need us you'll be indirectly helping or if you would prefer to donate directly simply go to Help Cure Diabetes . For more information about JDRF visit
Many thanks for any help you can give.