Mobile 0448 477 149
Below are answers to some of the more common questions we receive. If your question isn't listed below simply call us on 0448 477 149.
Are Dent Rid repairs 100%?
Yes and No. Firstly there is no such thing as a repair that is 100%, regardless of whether the repair is made using PDR or Panel Beating methods, all repairs leave signs. Approximately 90% of the repairs we make are removed to a level greater than 95%. This means that the damage is either no longer visible to the eye, or only visible with assistance.
Will PDR damage my paint?
Very rarely the process may damage paint. Paint may crack on sharp, hard to work damage, while not common it can happen. Glue pulling; a process where a pull tab is attached to the exterior of the panel, also carries a risk of removing paint. This occurs rarely on original paint however the risk is increased on aftermarket paintwork. The level of risk will be assessed prior to the commencement of work.
Why is using PDR better?
Firstly is the quality of the finish, by moving the metal back to where it was originally, you're restoring your vehicle as close to original as possible. No bog or fillers, no aftermarket paint and colour mis-match or scratch marks from poor preparation. Secondly is the price, PDR is generally between 50% and 90% cheaper than other repair options.
Can all dents be repaired?
No; while the majority can, PDR is restricted by metal stretch, access, paint and previous repair issues.
Sharp dents that form a crease or significant pressure are much harder to repair
and have a lower probability of complete removal. Many medium to larger dents
are PDR suitable.
Panels that have signs of previous wear will be tested for the presence of body
filler. If fillers have been used in previous repairs there is a high risk the paint/filler
may crack during the repair process.
We have an enormous array of tools that allow us access to almost the entire
area of most cars. There are few dents that we are unable to access from behind
the panel however when access issues do arise there are options we're able to
Do Dent Rid repair scratches and paint damage?
All of our repairs are left looking as brilliant as possible. We often buff and remove any minor scratches, we can also help with very minor paint touch-ups from damage such as stone chips, however for paint damage more significant we will generally refer you to a quality repairer.
Can Dent Rid help me with my LEASE RETURN vehicle?
Absolutely. We can remove those dents for a lot less than you will be charged for "excessive wear and tear on your vehicle's exterior." If your lease is up soon, give us a call; you'll be glad you did.
Can Dent Rid help me SELL MY CAR?
Ever hear the saying "Image is everything"? Most people judge a car by its appearance. If a car looks good, they assume it has been well taken care of. Paintless Dent Repair will increase the value of your car, and will help you sell your car faster. If you're selling your car, Paintless Dent Repair is one of the best ways to get top dollar, more interested buyers, and a quicker sale. We offer complete car packages starting from just 150.00
Do Dent Rid provide free quotes?
Absolutely, we cover an enormous area each week. Just call and we'll arange a time to inspect your vehicle, let you know if PDR is suitable and the expected outcome of any repair. For minor work we'll generally repair on the spot. You can also use our contact page to supply photos of the damage for a pre-inspection view. Photos should be as close as possible and include a reflective object such as a pole or fence over the damaged area.
Do you guarantee your work?
We're our own biggest critic. Quite simply if you're not happy with our work, neither are we. Our reputation is everything, if we haven't achieved a repair that you aren't entirely happy with, we don't charge. Honour system applies.